Lynn Carey Saylor

Lynn Carey Saylor

Lynn Carey Saylor's greatest passion in life is that of a songwriter.
On her modern Pop/Rock CD, "YOU LIKE IT CLEAN", Lynn tackles such weighty subjects as racial tolerance (on her award winning song "If We Believe" featuring BRIAN MAY of QUEEN) and drunk driving (on the emotional heavy rock ballad "I Wasn't A Friend"), but never seems to be preaching to you. Her songwriting style is one of thoughtful lyrics, expressive melodies, big dramatic chorus hooks, lush background harmonies and full bodied instrumentation,
set off by modern production. Lynn has received many accolades and "Honorable Mention" nods for her songwriting, including having had the honor of her song "102 (Songs About You)" being named one of 14 finalist songs in the Country genre of the 2008 International Songwriting Competition among 15,500 total entries to the prestigious year-long competition.


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