Kaki King

Kaki King

I never made records for other people,” she says. “My evolution from record to record has been personal, not commercial. For example, there’s none of the “guitar tapping” that I’m known for. There not a single bit of it on the record except for a half a second on ‘The Hoopers of Hudspeth.’”

As with her previous album, 2008’s Dreaming of Revenge, Junior was produced by Malcolm Burn (Patti Smith, Emmylou Harris) and recorded at his studio in Kingston, New York. But in contrast to that record, which was marked by deep textures and layers as well as unusual instrumentation, Junior was specifically made with only three musicians in mind—in this case, King, multi-instrumentalist Dan Brantigan, and drummer Jordan Perlson. The result was something more direct. “Prior to this I would have written a lot in the studio and played all the instruments myself,” King says. “This time, I really leaned on Dan and Jordan to help shape the songs and help me get the record written.”



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